The Price of Work: A Brief on Widespread Migrant Worker Recruitment Fees in Taiwan’s Manufacturing Sectors

This investigation, focused on the recruitment experiences of workers who worked in a range of manufacturing sectors, follows a lengthier investigation covered in Transparentem’s recent report, Following the Thread: Labor Abuses …

Chinese workers in BYD Brazil factory signed contracts with abusive clauses, investigators say

The workers who traveled from China to northeast Brazil to build a new factory for electric car maker BYD earned roughly $70 per 10-hour shift, over twice the Chinese hourly …

Thousands of imports enter Australia from firms blacklisted by US over alleged Uyghur forced labour links

Australia is allowing thousands of imports from Chinese companies blacklisted by the US over alleged links to forced Uyghur labour, including a supplier of parts to Sydney Metro vehicles, government …

Le cauchemar des migrants employés dans les fermes britanniques

Les immigrés vivent entassés à trois ou quatre par chambre, se partageant une minuscule salle de bains insalubre. Dans le couloir, des sacoches Deliveroo laissent entrevoir comment ils gagnent leur …

Canada plans oversight body to ensure businesses, governments crack down on forced labour

The federal government plans to create an oversight agency as part of a toughening of laws to block foreign goods made with forced labour, measures it says will increase the …

Malaysian workers’ lawsuit against Dyson revived by UK court

wo dozen migrant workers who allege they were subjected to forced labour at a Malaysian factory while making parts for British vacuum cleaner manufacturer Dyson can sue the company in …

Agency that brought heavily indebted Indonesian workers to UK loses licence

A British recruitment agency that brought Indonesian farmworkers to the UK owing debts of thousands of pounds to foreign brokers has had its licence revoked by the labour exploitation watchdog. …

Brazil charges Volkswagen unit with treating farm workers like slaves decades ago

Brazilian labor prosecutors charged Volkswagen’s local unit with subjecting farm workers to conditions akin to slavery decades ago and are seeking 165 million reais ($27.5 million) in damages, they said …

‘Italian’ purees in UK supermarkets likely to contain Chinese forced-labour tomatoes

A total of 17 products, most of them own-brands sold in UK and German retailers, are likely to contain Chinese tomatoes – testing commissioned by the BBC World Service shows. …


No region is immune to the reality of the climate crisis: extreme weather events, mass climate-induced migration, and direct consequences for the cultures, livelihoods, and lives of workers and communities …