Throughout Europe trade unions are negotiating short time work schemes with both employers and governments so that workers are not let go during the COVID-19 lockdown but instead continue to …
Austria is in lockdown but its supermarkets are anything but. Ensuring that people have safe access to essential goods is central to our collective efforts to contain COVID-19. That’s why …
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to shape the economy, one expert is reminding Canadians that they have the right to refuse unsafe work under the country’s labour code. “Workers who have …
The Independent Workers Union of Great Britain (IWGB) is taking legal action against the government over its failure to protect the wages and jobs of millions of workers during the …
“São Paulo – Para o desembargador no Tribunal Regional do Trabalho (TRT) da 15ª Região Jorge Luiz Souto Maior, a medida provisória (MP) 927/2020, editada pelo presidente Jair Bolsonaro neste …
MEDIDA PROVISÓRIA Nº 927, DE 22 DE MARÇO DE 2020 Dispõe sobre as medidas trabalhistas para enfrentamento do estado de calamidade pública reconhecido pelo Decreto Legislativo nº 6, de 20 de …
Political agreement between the the political partieson the first phase financial emergency measures to mitigate the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Norway.