Read the latest issue of The Global Labour Rights Reporter: “Forging a Feminist Labour Law

Who gets reformed, capital or labour? The challenges to Indian labour during the pandemic and times ahead

“The International Labour Organization (ILO) reports that about 400 million people who belong to the massive informal workforce which constitutes 90% of India’s workers fell into poverty during Covid-19 (ILO, …

Collectivising the gig economy: In the pandemic, it’s a matter of life and death

“A landmark Australian inquiry calls out the gig economy’s rotten core In July 2020, the Report of the Inquiry into the Victorian On-Demand Workforce was released.[1] This was the first full-scale …

The #PayUp Campaign is intensifying, but don’t forget the women workers leading the movement

“As a usual spectator of billionaire brands evading responsibility for their workers, even I was taken back by the news that broke out earlier this year that brands were refusing …

Unmet Gender Promises: Making IFI policies and projects deliver on gender equal rights

“This report demonstrates that projects funded by International Financial Institutions (IFIs) often undermine the livelihoods and health of women, men, and sexual minorities (SGMs). One major reason is that the …

Serie “Teletrabajo”. Tercera norma de teletrabajo en Latinoamérica: Brasil, 2017

Publicamos una serie de recursos relacionados con el Teletrabajo, cargando los enlaces a todas las leyes o decretos que han reglamentado esta modalidad de trabajo en los países de latinoamérica, …

Serie “Teletrabajo”. Segunda norma de teletrabajo en Latinoamérica: Perú, 2013

Publicamos una serie de recursos relacionados con el Teletrabajo, cargando los enlaces a todas las leyes o decretos que han reglamentado esta modalidad de trabajo en los países de latinoamérica, …

Serie “Teletrabajo”. Cuarta norma de teletrabajo en Latinoamérica: Costa Rica, 2019

Publicamos una serie de recursos relacionados con el Teletrabajo, cargando los enlaces a todas las leyes o decretos que han reglamentado esta modalidad de trabajo en los países de latinoamérica, …

Serie “Teletrabajo”. Quinta norma de teletrabajo en Latinoamérica: Panamá, 2020

Publicamos una serie de recursos relacionados con el Teletrabajo, cargando los enlaces a todas las leyes o decretos que han reglamentado esta modalidad de trabajo en los países de latinoamérica, …

ITUC Legal Guide – Telework

More than 59 countries have introduced telework as a measure to ensure social distancing in order to contain the spread of COVID-19. Even countries that did not introduce lockdown measures …

Fashion companies want cheaper goods—and it’s garment workers who are paying

US and European fashion companies canceled a huge volume of orders from their suppliers after Covid-19 hammered sales earlier this year. The consequences were far-reaching. Many of those factories are in low-wage …